Ecological seeds
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Cucumbers - length
Cucumber (bee-pollinated)

Insect-pollinated varieties and hybrids of cucumbers.
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Cucumber "Altaj" F1
Warty cucumber "ALTAJ" F1 - Cucumis sativus L. Bee-pollinated hybrid for growing in open ground. The plant is short-climbing, heavily leafy.  Ripening period: early ripening (the period from germination to fruiting is 37-50 days..
Cucumber "Atomic" F1
Gherkin "Atomic" F1. Mid-early (62 days from sowing to the start of fruiting), bee-pollinated hybrid for open and protected ground. Very productive. The cucumber is strong, crispy, large-tubercular, weighing 75-95 g and 9-11.5 cm lon..
Cucumber "Caruso" F1
Greenhouse salad cucumber "Caruso" F1. Semi-long hybrid for salad purposes. Resistance: CCu (cucumber scab), CMV (cucumber mosaic virus). Purpose: for fresh consumption and canning Recommended for growing in plastic greenhouses with a g..
Cucumber "Charlotte" F1
Cucumber "Charlotte" F1 - Smooth type. Non-parthenocarpic. Easy to pick up, very early, concentrated fruit set. Plant vigour: compact. Length/Width - 3,6:1.  CMV (cucumis mosaic virus) and CC (Scab) resistance. Extremely earl..
Cucumber "Charlotte" F1
Pickling cucumber "Charlotte" F1 - smooth type.  Non-parthenocarpic. Easy to pick up, very early, concentrated fruit set. Plant vigour: compact. Length/Width - 3,6:1.  CMV (cucumis mosaic virus) and CC (Scab) resistance. Extre..
Cucumber "Chelyabinsky kustovoy"
Bushy cucumber "Chelyabinsky kustovoy". Early ripening, incredible cold resistance and excellent resistance to major cucumber diseases ensure long and abundant fruiting even in risky farming areas. The fruits are dark green, 8-11 cm long,..
Cucumber "Chinese slangen"
Cucumber "Chinese slangen" (Longo da China). Medium early variety with fruits up to 45 cm long, bitter resistant. Can be grown outdoors. ..
Cucumber "Dalila" F1
Pickling cucumber "Dalila" F1. A mid-early, high-yielding hybrid variety with a coarse surface and black spines. It has mainly female flowers and is suitable for colder regions. It is highly tolerant of downy mildew. The ratio of..
Cucumber "Dar" (dwarf)
Cucumber "Dar" - a dwarf variety from Poland, producing medium-large (8-10 cm long) cylindrical fruits with a delicate taste and a dense compact bush, rather small in size: 50 cm high and 20 cm wide. The fruits are not bitter, so they are ..
Cucumber "Dar" (dwarf)
Cucumber "Dar" - a dwarf variety from Poland, producing medium-large (8-10 cm long) cylindrical fruits with a delicate taste and a dense compact bush, rather small in size: 50 cm high and 20 cm wide. The fruits are not bitter, so they are ..
Eco seeds
Cucumber "DAR" (dwarf)
Cucumber "Dar" - a dwarf variety from Poland, producing medium-large (8-10 cm long) cylindrical fruits with a delicate taste and a dense compact bush, rather small in size: 50 cm high and 20 cm wide. The fruits are not bitter, so they are ..
Cucumber "Delikates"
Gherkin "Delikates". Early high-yielding variety for open field cultivation. Fruit with few spines, medium size, not bitter. Can be used fresh or for canning. Grows best in non weedy, fertile soil protected from the wind. 1 g contains app..
Cucumber "Everest" F1
Pickling-cucumber "Everest" F1. Not bitter. A very early hybrid variety with mainly female flowers. The plants are weakly vigorous. The fruits are medium green with a warty surface. It is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mil..
Cucumber "Julian" F1
GHERKIN "JULIAN" F1. A hybrid kind intended to grow on open soil. The fruit is rich green in color, medium size, rarely lumped, doesn t overgrow or deform. Can be used fresh, pickled or marinated. 1,0 g contains around 40 seeds. * ..
Cucumber "Libelle" F1
Gherkin "Libelle" F1. Crispy gherkins for universal use. Mid-early (vegetation period 49-52 days), bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters. The plant is medium-growing. Zelenets elongated, dark green, small tuberous (whit..
Cucumber "Marketer"
Salad cucumber "Marketer". Mid-early (60 days), high-yielding salad-type variety. The fruits are up to 15 cm long, dark green and smooth. 1.0 g = 35-45 seeds. ..
Cucumber "Marketmore"
Cucumber "Marketmore". Medium-early, high yielding salad type variety. Fruit is dark green, beautifully shaped, used fresh. Grown outdoors and under cover. Recommended to plant in the same place after 2-3 years. 1,0 g = 35-40 seeds. ..
Prof Pack
Cucumber "Marketmore" (100 g)
Cucumber "Marketmore". Medium-early, high yielding salad type variety. Fruit is dark green, beautifully shaped, used fresh. Grown outdoors and under cover. Recommended to plant in the same place after 2-3 years. 1,0 g = 35-40 seeds. ..
Cucumber "Marketmore" (9 gr)
Cucumber "Marketmore". Medium-early, high yielding salad type variety. Fruit is dark green, beautifully shaped, used fresh. Grown outdoors and under cover. Recommended to plant in the same place after 2-3 years. 1,0 g = 35-40 seeds. ..
Cucumber "Nezhinsky"
Gherkin "Nezhinsky". A very popular variety for salting! Mid-season, long-climbing, bee-pollinated variety for open ground and temporary film shelters (fruits on the 50-55th day from germination). The fruit is dense, large-tubercular wit..
Cucumber "Nezhinsky"
Cucumber "Nezhinsky". A very popular variety for salting! Mid-season, long-climbing, bee-pollinated variety for open ground and temporary film shelters (fruits on the 50-55th day from germination). The fruit is dense, large-tubercular wi..
Cucumber "Odys" F1
Cucumber "Odys" F1. Mid-season (50-55 days) bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters. Fruits are short, sparsely tuberous, green with light stripes, 6-8 cm long, with a small seed chamber. The value of the hybrid: resistance..
Cucumber "Ornello" F1
Gherkin "Ornello" F1. Mid-early, disease-resistant, high-yielding hybrid variety for open ground. It has good regeneration at the end of the growing season. A multi-fruit variety that produces 3-4 non-bitter cucumbers per node. Recom..
Eco seeds
Cucumber "Piccolo verde di Parigi"
Cucumber "Piccolo verde di Parigi" (Paris Gherkin). Crispy pickled cucumbers! Mid-season bee-pollinated variety for open ground. It enters fruiting at 45-50 days. The plant is long-branched. Zelenets is 6-11 cm long, the tuberosity i..
Cucumber "Polan" F1
Cucumber "Polan" F1. Огурец "Полан" F1. Пчёлоопыляемый гибрид для открытого грунта. Чтобы ускорить появление всходов, семена намачивают - заливают наполовину или на треть их объёма водой комнатной температуры (+18+20°С) и..
Showing 1 to 25 of 71 (3 Pages)